Thursday, August 1, 2013

The beginning...

"The beginning" is not the most creative title one would begin a blogging endeavour with.  I'm sure such a title belongs to many individuals in the blogosphere.  I'm not sure what really provoked me to start this blog, and not really sure how long the blogging endeavour will last for me.  What I do know, is that I will try anything once (well, for the most part)...  

On September 28, 2013, I will be beginning a new journey in life.  I will become a wife, and maybe one day a mother and so forth.   These types of "marry" or "merry" events are definitely going to be memorable and significant parts of my life.  Why not share the different steps along the way (or at least try).

Now to introduce myself...

My name is Diana, and I will be marrying my best friend Chris. Check out some teasers from our engagement pics courtesy of the phenomenal Dave Abreu Photography. We stumbled across our photographer through a referral. Dave was the first photographer we met with, and we immediately had a connection.  We loved his sexy-chic style, and Chris and I both agreed that when our future children look back at our engagement pictures, we want them to think, "Wow, mom and dad used to be really good looking!"

I love to live life, cook, create, and play competitive athletics.  I am musical, though not everyone knew that, and it was my training in classical piano (and my love for secondary instrumental music) which eventually led to a career as a Music Teacher.  

I have a lovely, posh little feline named "Coco" Chanel.  She is a super sweet kitty princess, but it is because I have totally spoiled her a little too much.  My little one was a 2 day old kitten who was found in my aunt's backyard.  I had to bottle feed her, train her to eat, potty train her... Needless to say I have dabbled in a little bit of child-rearing already.  Here is my little fur baby at a couple of days old (I had to feed her every 3 hours for a month), and then now at 5 years!

I think I will close out this entry for my blog with just these basic introductions.  Stay tuned for the next entry.  Perhaps I will talk about how I named my little Coccolina (Italian for cuddles), my engagement story, or wedding related details as I go forward... 
